Arteworld: In conversation with Hughes Grassroots & Beyond

Founding @grassrootsandbeyond: What inspired you to co-found @grassrootsandbeyond, and what is its primary mission?
"What inspired us to Co-founder grassrootsandbeyond, the aim was to offer premium quality content at grassroots level."
Exploration Through Photography: As an explorer, how do your travels influence your photography, and what stories do you aim to tell through your images?
"Great question, me travelling has helped me to become a better storyteller through my lenses. I have learned how sports (football in particular) unites communities & people of different backgrounds/genders. It has also prepared me to be confident & open minded."
Capturing Grassroots Movements: How do you approach documenting grassroots movements, and what challenges have you encountered in authentically representing these communities?
"We usually try to understand who we are documenting & why we’re documenting. We change this by doing our research beforehand and also asking direct questions to whom we will be documenting.
Some of the challenges we have come across and continue to experience are; some people are camera shy, when a team wins everyone wants pictures when a team loses some players are not so open to cameras being in their faces, we try our best to respect each player’s space without compromising our objectives (which is to document visually what’s going on)."
Visual Storytelling Techniques: Can you share your creative process when developing a visual narrative, from concept to final image?
"At our agency we strongly believe that there is more to sports photography than just taking a picture of someone kicking the ball.
We try using different techniques in order to acheive our goals, we shoot from different angles, we get up close and personal in order to capture athletes facial expressions, it’s always better, it’s the combination of pre planning but also being ready to adapt to what’s going on live."
"We want our work to be something that lasts forever"
Impact of Your Work: How do you hope your photography influences viewers' perceptions of the subjects you capture?
"We want our work to be something that lasts forever, it’s so meaningful when parents approach us regarding a photo we took of their sons or daughter. We achieve this by capturing “in the moment “ shots on and off the pitch."
Memorable Projects: Could you discuss a particularly impactful project you've worked on and the insights you gained from that experience?
"My most memorable project has to be my first ever premier league match, simply because I covered a match that featured a team I have supported from a young age, it was such a surreal feeling , I also learned the importance of producing under any circumstances, as much I was excited to shoot Arsenal, I still had a task at hand."
Balancing Artistic Vision and Client Needs: How do you maintain your artistic integrity while meeting the expectations of clients or collaborators?
"Whenever a client or partner approaches us with a project, leading up to the shoot i try my best to understand and make it clear that, they are coming to me because of what I can produce and also because of what I have produced in the past, I try finding different ways of meeting the client/partner half way."
Future Endeavors: What upcoming projects or themes are you excited to explore in your photography?
"In 2025 we have many bookings abroad, we will be covering our second football federations cup in Spain, a very competitive tournament with national teams (U17) and many more tours in Europe and the States."
"Your imagination is worth more than your equipment"
Advice for Aspiring Photographers: What guidance would you offer to emerging photographers looking to make a meaningful impact through their work?
"I would say, your imagination is worth more than your equipment, you always have to have a picture or an idea of what it is you want to produce, you must be open to making mistakes (that’s the best way of learning).
Always seek to improve, never stop experimenting, look to network when possible, you will often come across setbacks (it’s part of the journey)".